sâmbătă, 26 aprilie 2014

LOVE by Freddy José Villanes Tovar

Is this love?
This kind of something
undefinable, weird,
and not so full
of peace?
I thought
Love was an
in all directions
of calm
of us
and all of those who love.
But this is quite particular
something mine only, something
that only
belongs to me.
And can not be share to everyone
because is so hard to do that.
Are you really this?
Are you?
I must be some kind of crazy
this about
never known: Love.
Let me meet you, Love.
Let this peaceful man find
the one to belong to.
let me happy, just this time,
just this.
(All I ask for)

Lima, Santa Anita, April 26th 2014

vineri, 11 aprilie 2014

THE "EVERYWHERE" GIRLS by Freddy José Villanes Tovar

I find them everywhere.
That´s why I call them like that.
Short clothes (sometimes transparent)
and full of intense
and arousing colors.
They feel free to wear
in that way.
One could think this is modern.
But it is not.
When I was a child in the 70's
girls used mini skirts
and short pants.
And in the 80's was the same.
I don´t know why
but they appear
every time.
Their daring style
thrills me
put me out of me.
Ge the beast I have out, and sometime it gives a wild cry of male one.
This is not optimus.
At least is not for. me.
Since I wake up and go out
to take a ride with mom
I can see "everywhere's" everywhere.
I don´t know if it is a world
I live in Latin America.
Let me know, please.
I will appreciate.

Friday 11th 2014

TODAY by Freddy José Villanes Tovar.

I´m free today.
Today that I don´t look for love
´cause I had it in me all the time.
Free because today I need nothing
'cause I have it all
because your love is only a river
going to the sea
and I´m a sailor.
A free one.
But don´t pay attention to my words:
I was always free.
The chains I was engaged
were always the chains
I create.
Doesn´t it sound so fool?
But that is the true.
As me
everyone is not free because of the chains
they put themselves.
Let your thoughts go out of your mind
Do not keep them inside
because it is time wasted that of thinking and thinking.
I prefer to live 
just as God let me live.
Life would be free to all
if only
we could know the power of God.
But everybody is busy
thinking and thinking.
For me is enough:
I´m not a mind.
I´m a heart.
Beat by beat I go.
And I am free for that.
Love for all.
I´m just a life lover.

joi, 10 aprilie 2014

LOVE by Freddy José Villanes Tovar.

I found Love
(after a long way that started since I began seeking
I think I found it at last)
Dou you know how or who is it?
It has the form of a woman
It is tall
Taller than me
And her name is Anastasia.
She just want to love and be loved.
She does not look for anyone in particular.
Just someone to love and be loved by him.
I can performance both roles to perfection.
I love
and wanna be loved by one.
Didn´t I tell you?
I fit in it.
Better than that:
She is beautiful
and all the awsome adjectives you may say about a delicate woman.
Cause she is.
I told her to let me call her "My love"
I was not completely sure about it
But I run the risk
after passing all the day thinking about this LOVE with feminine form
I made up my mind.
Another feminine form that is not LOVE but FRIENDSHIP
opened my eyes, my brain and my soul.
For her (the last one) I learned that the only one that I could love is her (the first one).
And I´m prepared
for the first time in my life
to afford LOVE.
Do not go away and not so far:
this is just beginning.

Santa Anita, April 10th 2014

miercuri, 9 aprilie 2014

I STILL LOVE HER by Freddy José Villanes Tovar

I still love her
because sometimes
with no advise
and warning
I find myself saying
"I love you"
(It must be true.
I don´t know)
What does "I  love you" mean?
All my life´s been saying that:
I love you, Licett (I said it in spanish
and her name is written that way
but I know it should be written
correctly in other one)
And by saying that
I believe that I loved her
Is that true?
Did I do it?
Is Love so simple?
Just a permanent declaration?
Just some words joined together?
I did that:
Believe that I love her just because
my lips opened
and produced
that sound
so expressive
so cult
so exercised
with no existence.
I still find myself
in that attitude
I can not control
and repeating:
"Te amo, Licett"
(spanish version)
and do you want to know
I think it is true.
No matter if reality
shows me the contrary.
The force of the expression
is so strong
can change
Te amo, Licett.
I love you.
No matter what
I can say about the
meaning of that.
The meaning
(You, my love)

April 9th 2014

luni, 7 aprilie 2014

POEM 9 by Freddy José Villanes Tovar.

It is still too early
to call "day" to the day
but it is.
Five o´clock
a little bit more.
Do you love anyone?
Do you?
I did.
The only one I love for thirty years.
Yesterday, in the night
I write to her my last words in that condition.
the love of my life
is just
the friend of my friends.
I can´t forget the best gift she did me of all:
I could never give her back that present.
But I have to.

DEFINITION OF ME. By Freddy José Villanes Tovar.

I´m just one
that breaths
(inhale, exhale,
sometimes let
a word out
let more
(a series)
Never a complaint
a curse
an insult.
One that sometimes
fall in love with
a lovely
woman (now that are everywhere)
and sometimes one
that remember that fall in love
for a friend only because
of her beautiful smile, and sometimes one
that remember the woman ,
a good one, who fall in love with him
(and she did love me really).
I´m just a man breathing
inhaling, exhaling.
I do it all the time.
I did not learn to do other things:
have a job,
get married.
have a family.
Breathing is all that I do
Inhale, exhale
and drink
too much wáter
and eat
without realizing
that I´m doing it.
"A man who breaths"
A loony definition
taking in count
that I had it all:
Family, knowledge, friends...
But That's is me:
Someone who breaths,
or maybe...
some kind of poet.

Poem 8 by Freddy Villanes Tovar.

I´m getting older day by day
like all of you.
The love I love does not exist anymore:
There is a good friend taking her place.
I loved it...
as much as I could love the best thing in the world.
But does not exist anymore.
Now it is too early here at home.
Everybody is sleeping.
(My mind can not)
If you know something I can do
(the wound will heal up if)

Poem 7 "LICETT"

She is my sun
she is all I have
The beginning
and the end
When I wake
up and leave
I think
of her
When I´m in lunch
the same
Can there be something more powerful than
the power
of love?
Believe me
Theres is not.