vineri, 23 mai 2014

LOVE by Freddy Villanes Tovar

Yesterday I found out a friend was about to leave me alone.
I have a few friends, all women, in a site.
I chat with them sometimes, some I do not.
My father knows all about this.
I love all of them.
I´ve said that I am in love with a woman called Licett (it is the way her parents write it)
and my friends like to hear that.
It sound romantic.
But it is really pathetic.
I love Licett without hope.
She will never love me.
The seed is not in her.
What can I do?
It is useless.
That is why I´m looking for love in the site I mentioned.
But it doesn´t work.
I love her.
I know my love is true.
How can I convince her about it?
No way.
Licett is impossible
for me.
I´m writing a short story for a contest.
It´s the only way to show her I´m not the fool she believes I am.
Cause I´m not.
Love is not foolish.
The friend of the site I mentioned at the beginning of this text whom I suposed lost wrote me a message: she had no intention to leave me. The internet failed: that was all.
I still keep my friends in that site.
But all of them can´t replace a little bit of mine: Licett is unique.
Tell me all you like: fool, crazy, mad, insane.
It doesn´t matter.
My love for her is my life.
Let me live with that.

Santa Anita May 23th 2014

marți, 6 mai 2014

LOVE by Freddy Villanes Tovar

What is love?
A person ?
Of course not.
Love´s a feeling.
I do not love you, my friend (still and perhaps forever a friend)
because of you.
I love you because the feeling you 
make me feel.
And I know my love is true because the feeling is strong
and give me calm
and happiness.
Nobody made me feel that
Just you.
It´s enough for me to feel this
(as long as it exists it means it is true)
(Thirty years has passed.
I love what I feel.
No explication is needed.
No changes are claimed.
I´m good as I am : loving.
Loving is all I need. You sowed in me.
It will be there in no time counted.
Life is easy for that.)

May, 6th 2014